Details for Spring semester, 2025
- Time: 10:10 - 11:00 MWF, January 13th to April, 2025
- Location: Health and Hum Dev 353 (moved from Willard, 371)
- Office hours will be Wednesdays, 1:30 - 3:30, or by appointment.
- Official course syllabus
- Course Description
- Textbooks:
- Online Notes for a textbook, including data sets and code examples. These are still under construction. Feel free to offer feedback when you see mistakes, or confusing text.
- A suggested textbook for self-help with python coding is A student’s guide to python for physical modeling by Kinder and Nelson. It is a very new and nice book. If you have other suggestions, let me know.
- Overleaf is an online implementation of LaTex that you may find useful for writting up your homework. LaTex is free, so the best thing to do if you have the time is to get and install it ourself.
- Software: For computer programming in python at home, consider Anaconda – it’s a defacto standard (2020). If you prefer a different tool like matlab, Mathematica, or Julia, you can use that instead, but code samples will be provided in python.
Project reports are due date TBD
Brief list of Math Movies from class recommendations …
Random stuff that comes through the data-stream and is connected to applied mathematics.
- The behavior of a high-dimensional dynamical systems comments from Terence Tao, 2025-02-14
- Rutgers Undergraduate Upends a 40-Year-Old Conjecture 2025-02-10
- Meet the Math Advisor Behind Apple TV’s ‘Prime Target’ 2025-01-27
- Anatomy of a formal proof 2025-01-24
- Tire simulation is so good it’s replacing real-world testing - Ars Technica 2025-01-16
- Largest known madtsoiid snake from warm Eocene period of India suggests intercontinental Gondwana dispersal | Scientific Reports 2024-04-19
- Suspicious discontinuities 2024-03-20
- NASA finds clue to Voyager 1’s bugs 2024-03-15
- The NASA Pi Day Challenge 2024-03-15
- This risk assessment tool helped Olivia Munn discover she has cancer 2024-03-13
- Weather forecasts are getting better 2024-03-12
- Matrix multiplication breakthrough could lead to faster, more efficient AI models 2024-03-09
- Elliptic Curve ‘Murmurations’ Found With AI Take Flight 2024-03-06
- Where Is Noether’s Principle in Machine Learning? 2024-03-01
- Airfoil - visual essay explaining lifting airfloils from start to finish. 2024-02-27
- Mamba - A state-space alternative to Transformer-based AI 2024-02-25
- Predator-Prey Oscillations in a Cellular Automaton of Huffaker’s Mite Experiment by Zsoldos, Haley and Stepler, Isabelle. SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, 2024, v. 17 (), pp. . DOI:10.1137/22s1529452 . This paper started out as Haley and Isabelle’s 450 class project, and they leveraged it as part of their graduate school application packets.
- A beginner’s guide to making beautiful talk slides 2024-02-18
- Everything is a linear model 2024-02-18
- The Ultraviolet Myth 2024-02-12 – This is interesting recent paper for it’s mis-leadingness. The first clue to the lack of value in this link is the lack of citations in the originating article – only 6 citations, and none reference works on the history of science. There is actually quite a large body of scholarly work on the history of quantum mechanics in which the origin of Planck’s ideas have already been discussed in detail. If this was a serious conversation, they would be referencing the serious literature, like Kuhn’s ‘Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity’.
- Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds 2024-02-09 * NASA’s Webb Depicts Staggering Structure in 19 Nearby Spiral Galaxies - NASA Science 2024-02-02
- Megalodon didn’t look like a 50-foot great white shark, controversial study claims 2024-01-23