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Mathematical Epidemiology citation tree

In the citation graph below, I've attempted to summarize the important early papers (and other work) that started the field of mathematical epidemiology. (Please use your browser's zoom-feature to read). The links represent "documented influence" rather than strict crediting of citations -- for example, Reed and Frost never explicitly acknowledged Lotka's influence on their work, to the best of my knowledge, but given that he was working at Hopkins at the time (by their invite, it seems), they were almost certainly influenced by his research. Also, the list isn't exhaustive -- Brownlee and Ross were particularly prolific, so I've left out several of their incremental works. For an auxillary reference to earlier works, see Serfling's excellent review article. If you're interested in any of these articles, but having trouble getting a copy, feel free to contact me and I might be able to help. Also, Martini's and Thomson's works do not appear to be available in English, so it would be nice to hear a review from somebody. Zoom in!! Bibtex data is found in the comments of the html.
1908 1908 1910 1910 Ross1908 Ross Waite1910 Waite Ross1908->Waite1910 Ross1911 Ross Ross1908->Ross1911 1933 1933 1935 1935 Kermack1933 Kermack Macdonald1950 Macdonald Kermack1933->Macdonald1950 McKendrick1940 McKendrick Kermack1933->McKendrick1940 Top1938 Top Wilson1942 Wilson Top1938->Wilson1942 1938 1938 1939 1939 1840 1840 1866 1866 Farr1840 Farr Farr1866 Farr Farr1840->Farr1866 1875 1875 Evans1875 Evans Farr1866->Evans1875 1922 1922 1923 1923 Thomson1922 Thomson Lotka1923 Lotka Thomson1922->Lotka1923 Kermack1932 Kermack Kermack1932->Kermack1933 Zinsser1932 Zinsser Wilson1939 Wilson Zinsser1932->Wilson1939 1932 1932 Wilson1943 Wilson Wilson1942->Wilson1943 1942 1942 1943 1943 1760 1760 1766 1766 dAlembert1760 dAlembert 1940 1940 Wilson1939->Wilson1942 McKendrick1926 McKendrick Kermack1927 Kermack McKendrick1926->Kermack1927 1926 1926 1927 1927 1947 1947 1949 1949 Walton1947 Walton Walton1949 Walton Walton1947->Walton1949 1957 1957 Bailey1957 Bailey Macdonald1952 Macdonald Macdonald1950->Macdonald1952 1950 1950 1951 1951 Waite1910->Lotka1923 1911 1911 Greenwood1910 Greenwood Greenwood1911 Greenwood Greenwood1910->Greenwood1911 Wilson1945 Wilson McKendrick1940->Wilson1945 1952 1952 Serfling1952 Serfling Serfling1952->Bailey1957 Abbey1952 Abbey Abbey1952->Serfling1952 Bernoulli1766 Bernoulli Bernoulli1766->dAlembert1760 Walton1949->Macdonald1950 Greenwood1949 Greenwood Lidwell1951 Lidwell Greenwood1949->Lidwell1951 1889 1889 Brownlee1906 Brownlee Evans1875->Brownlee1906 Ross1904 Ross Evans1875->Ross1904 Stocks1930 Stocks Stocks1930->Top1938 1930 1930 1931 1931 Lidwell1951->Bailey1957 Reed1951 Reed Reed1951->Abbey1952 Greenwood1931 Greenwood Greenwood1931->Wilson1939 Greenwood1935 Greenwood Greenwood1931->Greenwood1935 Martini1921 Martini Martini1921->Lotka1923 1921 1921 Ross1911->Waite1910 Ross1915 Ross Ross1911->Ross1915 Lotka1912 Lotka Ross1911->Lotka1912 1912 1912 Brownlee1911 Brownlee Brownlee1911->Greenwood1911 Brownlee1915 Brownlee Brownlee1911->Brownlee1915 Greenwood1916 Greenwood Greenwood1911->Greenwood1916 1916 1916 1917 1917 Greenwood1920 Greenwood Greenwood1916->Greenwood1920 Frost1928 Frost Greenwood1916->Frost1928 Ross1916 Ross Ross1916->Greenwood1916 Ross1917 Ross Ross1916->Ross1917 Hamer1906 Hamer Soper1929 Soper Hamer1906->Soper1929 Stocks1928 Stocks Hamer1906->Stocks1928 1906 1906 Brownlee1906->Brownlee1911 Brownlee1906->Hamer1906 Brownlee1906->Ross1915 Brownlee1906->Stocks1928 Pearson1906 Pearson Pearson1906->Ross1908 Pearson1906->Brownlee1911 Stallybrass1920 Stallybrass Spear1920 Spear Stallybrass1920->Spear1920 Greenwood1929 Greenwood Spear1920->Greenwood1929 1920 1920 Greenwood1920->Greenwood1929 Greenwood1920->Soper1929 Ross1929 Ross 1929 1929 Greenwood1929->Greenwood1931 Soper1929->Top1938 Soper1929->Zinsser1932 Soper1929->Macdonald1950 Soper1929->McKendrick1940 Soper1929->Stocks1930 Soper1929->Greenwood1931 Soper1929->Frost1928 1928 1928 Kermack1927->Kermack1932 Ross1915->Ross1916 Ross1915->Brownlee1915 Brownlee1915->Macdonald1950 Brownlee1915->McKendrick1940 Brownlee1915->Ross1916 Brownlee1915->Frost1928 Brownlee1919 Brownlee Brownlee1915->Brownlee1919 1915 1915 1945 1945 Wilson1945->Serfling1952 Ross1905 Ross Ross1904->Ross1905 1904 1904 1905 1905 Stocks1928->Stocks1930 Frost1928->Zinsser1932 Frost1928->Reed1951 Ross1905->Ross1908 Ross1905->Pearson1906 Lotka1923->Macdonald1952 Lotka1923->Wilson1945 Lotka1923->Frost1928 Lotka1912->Lotka1923 Ross1917->McKendrick1926 Ross1917->Walton1947 Ross1917->Macdonald1950 Ross1917->Martini1921 Ross1917->Ross1929 1919 1919 Greenwood1935->Greenwood1949 Enko1889 Enko Brownlee1919->Stallybrass1920 Brownlee1919->Spear1920 Brownlee1919->Greenwood1929 Brownlee1919->Soper1929 Wilson1943->Wilson1945 Year Year